Saturday, January 12, 2008

One Month Report

Here is my one month report as of 1/10/2008

I noticed an interesting thing- most of the doctors were first of all focused on- was I depressed? did i feel hopeful, what was my out look like - before they delved into the technicalities.

When I asked one of them why - they said that one of the key things they look for in heart attack patients and any kind of heart repair patients was their mental and emotional out look as a KEY indicator and prognostication tool.

I spent a lot of time looking up information on that but do not have enough to share yet.

So today my resting blood pressure is 109/72 with medication- but in past was largely uncontrolled running around 165/85- even with medication.

I walked for 2.5 miles at a decent clip- something I have not done in 10-15 years. The dogs were even dragging at places ( OK one old dog). I noticed how de-conditioned I am with mostly my feet, knees and lower back complaining- but not my heart.

I am having a hard time having my local doctors taking me seriously about doing more advanced testing. Perhaps they don't want to acknowledge any results. Have other people had issues with their stateside doctors?

I have put myself on a regimen of supplements since i got home as follows for those that are interested:
1. 4 scoops of ascorcine9 per day
Look for my name when you order -- richard karasik distributor- or sign up your self as one !
2. an additional 4-8 grams of Vitamin C per day
3. Antioxidants- Ciaga- 2 ounces a day
4. CoQ10 .5-1 gram a day
5. Red Rice yeast 2-4 gel caps a day
6. vitamin D 50,000 units once a week ( prescription)
7. Fish Oil 1200 mg of mixed per day
8. Barley Enzymes - 2 caps per meal

9 Avena enzymes 8 per meal
Yeah I sell these too but don't have a web site for them

10 Stemtech 2 capsules 2 times a day after mild exercise for ordering for ordering and the business opportunity for basic information on stem tech
11 All the bazillion pills my doctor prescribes.

My doctors didn't give me much good information- other than advice that was like- eat low fat meals get some exercise-- basically the same information they would give you 20 years ago. There was no supplement regime. no recognition that dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol were two different things and truly little understanding of all the factors involved in the intricacies of modern heart disease. IE when i asked them about the angiotensin-renin link
they had no idea what that was, but they do know how to prescribe ACE inhibitors when Angiotensin receptor blockers would be better for me.

At any rate it's clear one has to become one's own physician and use the modern doctor as a pill peddler when necessary and for detailed procedures like stents etc when needed.

more pictures later

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