This is the swissotel le concorde
http://www.swissotel.com/bangkok-leconcorde/ Following are other views of the hotel- one looking down on the pool from our hotel room, Looking straight out of the window at ?? Los Angeles?- mm no must be Bangkok. Sure looks like LA though.:-) You can go to the hotel website and take the photo tour and see all the wildness inside the hotel. They have bufffet style eating- a disaster for me but its almost an eighth acre of food every meal - gads!
It is a neat place! lying on the outer ring of Bangkok metro transit which doesn't even make it quiet! However the streets are way more orderly than India even with a high population density here. 11 million people in Bangkok. AND you can actually see through the haze- unlike parts of northern India.
Theravitae sets up the patient program to put you up in the Swissotel and transports you from there to the appropriate hospital when its time for treatment. You usually need a couple of days for physical tests, blood tests and then a blood draw, and then a week later you go back in for the stem cell implanting.
So I am glad we got a nice hotel here-- it makes the available time more pleasant since they offer a wide range of tours, accommodations, internet even!
Here is Darlene in front of one of the fountains.
And here is one of the lions guarding the front gate of the hotel.

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